Causes Climate Change is about telling the other side of the story. Everywhere you look there are giant adverts tempting us to drive bigger cars, fly on more holidays, invest in 'no questions asked' financial products, eat more processed food and most of all consume more needless stuff.

But it's not safe: for us or the planet. We're more depressed than ever and that retail therapies changing our climate.

Causes Climate Change will show case retaliation. Plant subversive thoughts that inspire others to get out there and challenge business as usual. The clock is ticking; it is time to act.

Continue scrolling to see other causes of climate change and feel free to download the artwork and print stickers and posters to put up. And if you do why not take some snaps for this site. (ps if you have your own downloadable artwork for sharing then email us and we'll do it)

Monday, 4 February 2008

Telling it like it is..

The kitchen-krafty paste seems to work a cheap treat, three days of inclement weather later and the posters are still up there all sternly intact.
A thoroughly enjoyable time can be had by stickering those stupid city 4x4's, especially the TWO owned by the pitbull-like bloke on my street universally known as (on this street anyways) 'Angry Man'.  A week later it has been gleefully noted that although his ridiculous cod-piece on wheels has come and gone, the 'I heart..' sticker remains firmly in place.
Hopefully quite soon the 'I heart GW' sticker artwork will be downloadable from this blog for your sticking pleasure.  Artwork or no artwork, don't let that stop you.  Get those laptops/printers/crayons/kitchen implements out and start telling it like it is.   

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